Tuesday, 30 May 2017

7 Qualities of a Great Mobile App Developer

Several studies have shown that a large percentage of users nowadays delete mobile apps after one use. Likewise, most users never visit or use a mobile app again 72 hours after installation. Hence, mobile app developers have to explore innovative ways to prevent users from deleting his mobile app and persuade them to use the application regularly. But a great mobile app developer understands how to increase app download number and reduce mobile app abandonment.
While designing and developing a mobile app, he focus extensively on its functionality, performance, usability, security, searchability, and user experience. Also, he foresees the preferences and behaviour of the target audience accurately to prevent users from uninstalling or deleting the app and persuade them the visit it frequently. There are also a number of qualities that make some mobile app developers stand out among millions of mobile app developers and marketers.
7 Qualities That Make a Mobile App Developer Stand out from the Crowd
1) Foresee Customer Expectation and Behaviour
A great mobile app developer knows how to make his mobile app different from others. He collects information from various sources to identify the current and future needs of target audience. Also, he analyzes the pros and cons of similar apps to decide how to make the mobile app deliver richer user experience. The combination of creative thinking and customer behaviour analysis make the great app developer know the pulse of the market. However, he thinks differently to plan and develop a mobile app that meets expectation of target audience precisely, while appearing different from similar apps available at the app store.
2) Open to Suggestions and Revisions
A great mobile app developer always spends some time to understand and analyze the business concept thoroughly. The in-depth understanding of the business concept helps him to conceptualize features and functionality of the mobile app based on precise business requirements. However, he still needs to gather information from various sources and seek suggestions of other stakeholders in the product to make the app better and deliver richer user experience. A great mobile app developer remains open to suggestions, and discuss the business concept with other stakeholders to build a better mobile app. Likewise, he remains open to accommodate several changes and revisions to make the mobile app deliver richer user experience or meet business requirements precisely.
3) Proficiency in Technologies and Programming Languages
Major mobile platforms allow developers to write apps in multiple languages. For instance, a developer can write an iOS app in Swift or Objective-C. Likewise, he can write an Android app in Java or C++. Some cross-platform mobile app development tools even allow programmers to write iOS, Android, and Windows Phone app in a single programming language. A great mobile app developer always writes the mobile app in the best programming language. He further takes the SDK and other development tools provided by the mobile platform to avoid writing additional code. A great mobile app developer learns and evaluates various programming languages to decide the best way to write the next mobile app.
4) Expertise in Picking the Right Tools and Frameworks
Each great mobile app developers understand the significance of keeping the mobile app delivery cycles short and reduce time to market. He always automates common mobile app development and testing activities to deliver a custom mobile app within a shorter amount of time. He also combine open source and commercial tools to curtail mobile app development time without increasing project overheads. The mobile app developers always gather information about the emerging mobile app development and testing tools. He further replaces the conventional tools with more advanced tools to simplify and speedup mobile app development process. Hence, a great mobile app developer always pick the right mobile app development tools, and combine various tools to build high quality mobile apps without putting extra time and effort.
5) Ability to Identify Why Users Delete Mobile Apps
As mentioned earlier, a large percentage of users nowadays abandon or delete mobile apps after one use. A user may abandon or delete a mobile app due to a number of reasons - technical issues, complex user interface (UI), poor user experience (UX), uninteresting content, and intrusive notifications and in-app purchase options. A great mobile app developer identifies the factors that make users delete or abandon mobile apps based on information and data collected from various sources. He further test the mobile app continuously and elaborately to boost its user experience and engagement.
6) Flexibility to Meet Emerging Mobile App Development Trends
Each new version of a mobile operating system comes with several new features and enhancements. Likewise, new smartphones and tablets also come with redesigned hardware features. To remain popular and profitable, the mobile app must deliver optimal user experience regardless of the device and operating system. At the same time, it must cater to the changing needs and preferences of users to keep them interested and engaged. A great mobile app developer remains flexible enough to meet the emerging technologies and trends. He experiments with new ideas, models, methods and techniques to keep the mobile app relevant and profitable despite the changing and evolving mobile app market.
7) Focus on Maintaining the Mobile App’s Goodwill and Credibility
The great mobile app developer always focuses on the factors that affect the app’s goodwill and credibility in the longer run. While planning and developing a mobile app, he explores ways to keep it functional and deliver optimal user experience consistently. For instance, a great mobile app developer performs elaborate security testing to ensure that mobile app remains functional despite targeted security attacks and disruption of service threats. Likewise, he also test all aspects of the app across multiple devices, platforms, browsers and user condition to identify and repair all bugs and performance issues in the application before its launch. The focus on long-term goodwill and credibility helps great app developer to maintain the popularity and profitability of his mobile app over a longer period of time.
However, no great developer can launch popular and profitable mobile apps consistently. But he always identifies the factors that dissuade users from using the mobile app on a regular basis. He always uses his past mistakes and experiences as an instrument to make his next mobile app both popular and profitable.

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